Travel and Gourmet Diary Blog: Exploring with Dividends from US Stocks as a Couple

Namari Onsen "Jūsangatsu" is a great inn with excellent hot springs, hospitality, and meals

We stayed at the Namari Onsen "Kokoro no Kizami Jūsangatsu," a detached annex of Fujisan Ryokan, in Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture.

Nous avons séjourné au Namari Onsen "Kokoro no Kizami Jūsangatsu", une annexe détachée du Fujisan Ryokan, à Hanamaki City, dans la préfecture d'Iwate.

This is the entrance. Voici l'entrée.

We completed the check-in process and went to our room.

Nous avons terminé le processus d'enregistrement et sommes allés dans notre chambre.

Namari Onsen is famous for its "Shirosaru no Yu" bath, which is known as the deepest standing hot spring bath in Japan. The high-end section of this historic hidden hot spring destination consists of 14 modern suite rooms called "Jūsangatsu. We entered the room and immediately felt the strong scent of sulfur. The room had its own authentic hot spring, providing us with a delightful sense of luxury, as we could indulge in a bath at any time. It was a natural hot spring with flowing spring water directly from the source!

Le Namari Onsen est célèbre pour son bain "Shirosaru no Yu", qui est considéré comme le bain thermal debout le plus profond du Japon. La section haut de gamme de cette destination thermale cachée historique se compose de 14 suites modernes appelées "Jūsangatsu". Nous sommes entrés dans la chambre et avons immédiatement ressenti une forte odeur de soufre. La chambre disposait de son propre bain thermal authentique, nous offrant une sensation de luxe exquise, car nous pouvions nous baigner à tout moment. C'était une source d'eau thermale naturelle avec de l'eau jaillissant directement de la source !

The bath was quite hot. Knowing it was not the conventional way, we added some water to adjust the temperature and comfortably soaked in the bath. Afterward, we headed to the lounge area of the ryokan.

Le bain était assez chaud. Sachant que ce n'était pas la manière conventionnelle, nous avons ajouté de l'eau pour ajuster la température et nous sommes confortablement installés dans le bain. Ensuite, nous nous sommes dirigés vers l'espace salon du ryokan.

The lounge provided a delightful experience as we gazed at the gentle flow of the river and enjoyed the enhanced ambiance created by the indirect lighting. We had the opportunity to indulge in services like Japanese sake and more.

Le salon offrait une expérience délicieuse alors que nous contemplions le doux écoulement de la rivière et appréciions l'ambiance renforcée par un éclairage indirect. Nous avons eu l'occasion de nous délecter de services tels que le saké japonais et bien plus encore.

In the lobby of "Jūsangatsu," there was also a free drink corner offering a selection of wines and soft drinks. Once the designated serving time was over, the corner transformed into a display area showcasing various items. Before dinner, we had the pleasure of enjoying delicious red and white wines, creating a pleasant pre-dinner apéritif experience.

Dans le hall de "Jūsangatsu", il y avait également un coin boisson gratuite proposant une sélection de vins et de boissons sans alcool. Une fois l'heure de service désignée écoulée, le coin se transformait en un espace d'exposition présentant divers articles. Avant le dîner, nous avons eu le plaisir de déguster de délicieux vins rouges et blancs, créant une agréable expérience d'apéritif avant le dîner.

We proceeded to the dining area for dinner. We were graciously served with delicious red wine.

Nous nous sommes dirigés vers la salle à manger pour le dîner. On nous a gracieusement servi un délicieux vin rouge.

We were presented with a colorful and abundant selection of appetizers. The dishes included Himekawa Chinese-style salad with eel, Taraba-matsu seaweed and simmered scallops, Arima-style simmered clams with grilled red fish, and asparagus tofu. Each dish was delicious. Next came the sashimi course.

We had the pleasure of enjoying Iwate's local sake, "Shichifukujin," served warm. This sake had a refined dryness and was incredibly delicious!

The sashimi was incredibly delicious.

Afterwards, we enjoyed a flavorful main course of domestically sourced beef fillet roast with onion sauce. Following that, we had a refreshing palate cleanser of sherbet.

For the hot dish, we enjoyed a unique and delightful spinach manju with buckwheat flour sauce. The main meal consisted of sea bream and eighteen-grain rice, accompanied by a miso soup that was particularly outstanding and delicious. It was the first time experiencing such an impressive miso soup at a dining establishment.

The meal concluded with a satisfying dessert. The portion sizes were just right, not overly excessive. The dinner was elegantly presented in a kaiseki-style, showcasing the refined flavors of Iwate Prefecture without forcefully emphasizing its local specialties. The seasoning was excellent, and it was evident that the chef's skills were top-notch. Every dish was delicious, and we left completely satisfied. The serving staff were also very kind and attentive, making our dining experience all the more pleasant.

Le repas s'est terminé par un dessert satisfaisant. Les portions étaient parfaitement dosées, sans excès. Le dîner était élégamment présenté dans un style kaiseki, mettant en valeur les saveurs raffinées de la préfecture d'Iwate sans insister lourdement sur ses spécialités locales. L'assaisonnement était excellent, et il était évident que les compétences du chef étaient de premier ordre. Chaque plat était délicieux, et nous sommes partis totalement satisfaits. Le personnel de service était également très aimable et attentionné, rendant notre expérience culinaire d'autant plus agréable.

After returning to our room, we took a moment to rest and then indulged ourselves in the indoor bath by taking a refreshing dip.

Après être retournés dans notre chambre, nous avons pris un moment pour nous reposer avant de nous faire plaisir avec un bain intérieur en prenant une immersion rafraîchissante.

The view of the river at night from the bath window had a charming atmosphere and was truly fantastic.

La vue sur la rivière la nuit depuis la fenêtre du bain dégageait une atmosphère charmante et était vraiment fantastique.

The following morning, breakfast was served from 8 o'clock onwards.

Le lendemain matin, le petit déjeuner était servi à partir de 8 heures.

The breakfast had a wide variety of dishes, and everything was delicious. Hanamaki is known for its delicious rice, and it truly lived up to its reputation.

The breakfast desserts were also delicious.

We opted for a plan with a 12:00 PM checkout time, allowing us to enjoy a leisurely departure after a nap following breakfast.

This inn had a significant number of foreign staff members who were proficient in both language and hospitality. Overall, it was an exceptional accommodation experience.

Nous avons choisi une formule avec un départ à 12h00, nous permettant de partir tranquillement après une sieste suivant le petit déjeuner.

Cet établissement comptait un nombre important de membres du personnel étrangers maîtrisant à la fois la langue et l'hospitalité. Dans l'ensemble, c'était une expérience d'hébergement exceptionnelle.


Namari Onsen "Kokoro no Kizami Jūsangatsu"


The meals at this inn were simply delicious! The quality and quantity were both exceptional. The variety of beverages was also excellent.


The interior of the inn and the guest rooms had a unique atmosphere, providing a functional and comfortable stay. The bedding was also good, and the sleeping environment was quiet and comfortable.

The bathing facilities and hot springs were outstanding. No complaints here, it was absolutely fantastic.

Unfortunately, the ambiance of the rooms wasn't quite to my taste. A regular Japanese-style room would have sufficed.

★Extraordinary experience

It was a joy to experience the distinctive hot springs of the ryokan and enjoy the sense of escapism and the convenient access from the expressway.


The staff's service and hospitality were exceptional. The reservation and use of facilities were also convenient and well organized.


The price was well worth the value provided.